Welcome to our new blog about a special kind of outdoor activities in Greece. I am George, and i want to share with you my Outdoor activities in Greece.
The first kind of these are Astronomy activities, where we observe the stars with a telescope during the night.The second kind of outdoor activities in Greece, is Landscape Astrophotography. It is about photographing the Milky way in a dramatical composition with the earth’s landscape.
The nightmare of anyone trying to observe the stars nowadays, is the light pollution of the sky caused by the city lights. So, i try to find places, where i can observe the stars with my telescope unobstructed from the city lights. Therefore, i travel at the most distant locations of Greece.Through this blog, i will be informing you about the places i am discovering, where you can best observe the stars with safety. My aim is to give you valuable content about outdoor activities around Astronomy.
These will be:- Astronomy nights and Telescope observing sessions.
- Best Hotels to observe the stars in Greeece.
- Landscape Astrophotography workshops.
- Sailing with Astronomy in the Aegean sea.