Astronomy for kids near Thessaloniki
Astronomy Workshops for kids full of Stars, Planets, Telescopes and star observing!

Ask for Information
(+30) 693 731 8021
let's observe the universe
For young Astronomers
In Trilofos, just twenty kilometers from the city of Thessaloniki, we are hosting Astronomy workshops for children 9+ years old.
In a beautiful place with natural environment and views of the sea and the mountain of Olympus, we welcome the children with their parents – companions, and offer the opportunity for each child to explore the wonderful world of Astronomy and the Universe.
The themes of our workshops concern the familiarity of young children with the Solar System, the Planets and the Moon, as well as with the Stars, Constellations and outer space.
Each workshop includes a theoretical part with discussions and presentations of the topics, but also a practical part in which modern technology of robotic Telescopes and Astronomical applications is used, so that the children know the modern application of Astronomical observation.

Book your Seat!
(+30) 693 731 8021
Astronomy for kids near Thessaloniki: The Workshops
We are waiting for you to join us in exciting journeys and space exploration. The first workshops start on May with limited places. Contact us to book your place. The workshops are held mainly in Greek, but also in English – German for children who have the above languages as their mother tongue.
The duration of the workshops is 75 minutes. Start: After sunset – By arrangement.

Safety first!
- We disinfect our equipment before each workshop!
- We are accepting only children from the same family in a Workshop!
- We are accepting only two (2) children in a Workshop!
- We are wearing Masks during the Workshop.
- All Workshops are held outside, where we are keeping safe distance between us!